Class 1 Chinese New Year Celebrations

Lesson: EYFS

Class: Reception Year: 2021 - 2022

This week Class 1 have been learning all about Chinese New Year. 

We have learnt about the zodiac animals in the story of The Great Race. We learnt how to say ordinal numbers such as ‘first, second, third, all the way to ‘twelfth’. We recrated the race using figures and turned it into a dice game! 

We learnt about the lucky colour red and use red card to make dragon puppets. We learnt how to fold paper into a concertina and added sparkles and long tails. We took our dragons around out school, dancing like the Chinese dragon dancers!

We learnt about what year we were born in, and found out we are a class of monkeys and roosters!

We made a wishing tree, which is part of chinese culture, and made wishes for ourselves and others.

We looked at Chinese food and discovered that noodles are hard, until they are put into water. We did an experiment to find out how to make the noodles the floppiest and learnt that hot water makes them super soft.

On Friday we had our Chinese party. We all helped to cut up vegetables, being taught how to safely use knives (that weren’t sharp). We then cooked the vegetables and the noodles, and ate them in our Chinese restaurant. 



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