Religious Education

RE Statement of Intent:

As a Church of England School, Religious Education is a central subject to our curriculum. At St Paul’s C. E. Primary School, we believe that it is vital for pupils to deepen their knowledge and understanding of world religions to support their development as members of our diverse school and global community.
Through RE lessons, pupils explore their religious beliefs, values and practices of other communities and cultures. We aim to engage, inspire, and encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs and values.


Our curriculum is underpinned by our school vision, which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, and additional needs, to flourish in body, mind and spirit to become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be.

We follow the locally agreed syllabus for our RE teaching. This is supplemented by units from Understanding Christianity, which further develops pupil’s understanding of key Christian themes (Creation, Incarnation, Salvation, People of God, Gospel, Fall, Kingdom of God, God)

Lessons are planned and delivered in a variety of ways so that all children can participate fully, encouraging pupils to discuss their ideas and extend their understanding of difficult concepts and challenging questions.  

Statement of Impact:

As a result of the RE Curriculum, children are able to gain a secure understanding of Christianity and other world religions, including the vocabulary specific to particular faiths. They will feel confident to ask significant and reflective questions about religious beliefs demonstrating a good understanding of issues that have been discussed as well as being able to off possible answers to challenging questions. Children are able to show respect, tolerance and acceptance of all religions and beliefs, regardless of their own personal beliefs. This enables pupils to develop a sense of self, identity and belonging to flourish within the school and wider community and become responsible citizens.

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