Design Technology

Design Technology Statement of Intent:
At St. Paul’s C of E Primary School, we believe that Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and skill, our pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts: construction, sewing, and food technology. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge within each strand of our scheme and also draw on other disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. These skills are recalled and built on as our pupils progress through each key stage so that by the time they reach year six, our pupils have learnt how to take risks and become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Every project gives our pupils the opportunity to evaluate past and present design and technology; therefore, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. At St. Paul’s, we are invested in our design and technology education and believe that it makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.
Our curriculum provides a clear, comprehensive and progressive scheme of work, in line with the national curriculum for Design and Technology and the EYFS design curriculum. Each year group follows our ‘DT Long Term Plan’ which is split into three strands: Construction Technology, Sewing Technology and Food Technology. Computer technology runs through all strands, but particular attention is paid to this area in the upper key stage two computing curriculum. Through our food technology curriculum, we teach children to understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.
Listed within each strand is a structure to guide our teachers and assist their medium-term planning: Key Skills (Technical knowledge listed in National Curriculum), Key Vocabulary, Designer or Object Focus, Design Brief and Key Questions which follow the ‘Design’, ‘Make’ and ‘Evaluate’ examples listed in the National Curriculum. We have ensured that there is a very clear progression of skills throughout our long-term plan and our teachers are aware of the skills taught in earlier and later year groups. This enables them to refer to and consolidate prior learning; therefore, strengthening retrieval skills.
Throughout our Long-Term Plan, key vocabulary is highlighted in all the strands and taught year on year so that our pupils can confidently articulate its meaning.
Our ‘Designer Focus’ or ‘Cultural/ Object Reference’ is often the starting point for our budding designers and a great source of inspiration. Throughout their time at St. Paul’s, our pupils will be inspired by a diverse range of designers, objects and cultures.
Our pupils work with different materials to produce working models/ prototypes or products, and alongside this is their DT notebook: a visually exciting and tactile record of their inspirations, skills, observations, imagination and personal ideas. This book is passed onto following teachers so that their prior learning is celebrated and developed. Whenever opportunities arise, we welcome practising designers into our school; visit local places of inspiration and exhibit/celebrate children’s designs.
Statement of Impact:
As a result of their experiences in Design & Technology at St. Paul’s, our pupils will become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable designers. They will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of different materials and corresponding skills. Our pupils will be able to talk about various forms of design technology (construction, sewing/ fashion, food and computer) and name specific designers or products (chefs, architects, engineers and fashion designers). They will also develop important life skills throughout their design endeavours: patience, resilience, risk taking, cooperation, communication, and problem solving to name a few - all of which will benefit them throughout their lives. They will grow in confidence and feel proud of their work, or sometimes they will reflect and consider improvements; therefore, building resilience. Ultimately, we hope to inspire the inventors and designers of the future!