Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mr Wilson


Happy New Year. I hope you all had a lovely half-term holiday with your families.

Thank you for your continued support. Mr Wilson

Mrs Crompton will continue to teach the children on Tuesday mornings.


Our Christian value is: Forgiveness




This half term we will be reading a brilliant book called Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. We will focus on writing stories based on our own characters before writing a set of instructions. 

Stone Age Boy.jpg

Our current class read is The Wild Robot by Peter Brown.

Wild Robot.jpg



  • Fractions
  • Mass 
  • Capacity

You can help your child by:

- Supporting them with their homework tasks.

- Helping them to learn multiplication & division facts, such as x2, x5, x10, x3, x4 and x8 (Year 3 target)

- Supporting them in accessing Times Table Rock Stars as much as possible. Children will bring home login details for this website/app. Teacher set times tables will appear in the ‘Garage’ section.

Our current topic is: Europe

  • Europe in Geogrpahy 
  • Biscuits in DT
  • Boats through time in Science
  • Branching databases and Simulations in ICT
  • People of God? in RE        
  • Netball in PE. PE lessons are Monday and Tuesday (Sports Coach). Please ensure children have their PE kit in school every day.   

Add a heading.png

Homework will be set weekly and will alternate between English and maths. It will be sent home on Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Thank you for your continued support with homework and spellings. 

Spellings are set on Fridays and will be tested the following Friday. There will be opportunities to practise the spelling rule in school, but the children would benefit from time spent practising at home too.

Please remind your child to bring their reading book into school every day. After sharing reading books at home, please sign reading records. The children will read at school once a week. The majority of the children’s reading should be done at home as the books in Year 3 can be very long. If children are not reading at home, they will not be able to progress through the reading levels.

Useful Websites

  • BBC Bitesize - A primary school resource for children studying Key Stage 2 Maths, English and Science, featuring game activities and tests.

  • Thinkuknow - If you are 7, 8, 9 or 10, I bet you probably like to use the computer for fun. Why not take a look at this website to help you go on the internet in a safe way and know who to talk to if you are worried.

  • Times Table Rock Stars- this fantastic app aims to help the children become more fluent with recalling their multiplication facts. Children all have log in details and work is set by the teacher.

  • Topmarks Daily Ten- short online maths activities.



Files to Download

Year 3: News items

Freddy Fit, by Mr Wright

Year 3: Gallery items

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Year 3: Calendar items

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