
EYFS Statement of Intent:

St Paul’s believes that all children deserve an education rich in memorable experiences that allows children’s creativity, confidence and curiosity to grow and flourish, alongside the development of key skills and knowledge. We believe that offering our children a strong foundation and a love of learning gives them the best chance to become well-rounded, happy individuals, ready to succeed in an ever-changing world. 

We recognise the importance of giving our children the best possible start to their education by planning and implementing teaching and learning opportunities that support them in reaching their full potential. 

It is our intention to provide a stimulating learning environment where all children can work with adults and peers in a climate of mutual respect to develop confidence in their ability to learn. We aim to provide children with a well-structured, safe, active and engaging learning environment that promotes the 7 key areas of learning and facilitates the characteristics of effective learning. It is our intention to develop the skills, attitudes and understanding that support them to become competent, creative independent learners, who demonstrate our Christian values. 


We recognise that children will learn most effectively when they are happy, healthy, safe and secure, when their individual needs are met and when they have positive relationships with the adults who care for them. We aim to provide a setting that encompasses a nurturing and stimulating environment where children can enjoy the magic of learning and grow in confidence through exciting learning opportunities throughout the year. 

Our curriculum design effectively underpins the learning at St Pauls and acts as the starting block for the curriculum design for the rest of the school. The EYFS curriculum is planned and implemented using a thematic approach across the year. Each term knowledge and skills are built upon and developed. We use retrieval practise initiatives to build on prior learning. This approach gives children the opportunities to apply learning from across the curriculum and apply knowledge and skills they have learned through a variety of learning opportunities.  Each half term is based on a different theme. These themes are introduced to our children in a creative way and usually through a memorable experience, such as hook book or an enquiry question. The EYFS curriculum is heavily linked to quality keys texts, this reflects the curriculum for both KS1 and KS2 who also use quality keys texts, particularly in English. 

We provide directed teaching sessions and adult-led activities to build the foundation of the children’s knowledge and understanding of the curriculum, to enable them to apply their knowledge and skills to child-initiated activities and through continuous provision. Play based exploratory learning is key to observing how children are applying their knowledge. We also ensure to build upon children’s interests when scaffolding their learning during play in provision areas. We strive for high quality interactions between adults and children and use of effective questioning to support language, vocabulary and develop a deeper level of thinking and problem solving, as well as enthusing further interest and exploration during their play. 

Reception children are assessed in relation to their progress towards Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals. These judgements are made based on accumulative observations, and in-depth knowledge of the children acquired through ongoing assessments. Next steps are taught in the moment during continuous provision and adult led activities to ensure children are challenged, or misconceptions addressed. End-of-year assessments are finalised during the summer term, summarising each child’s development towards the end points of the Early Learning Goals. 

Language and communication is vital in early years.  Our local authority of Tameside is known for having a high level of need in speech and language, which we see reflected in our school. In EYFS we assess all children in this area on entry and then deliver appropriate to support to those children who need it. We will also work closely with the ISCAN team to ensure children are provided with referrals and support plans where necessary. 

Statement of Impact:

Our children will be actively engaged in their learning and the enjoyment of this learning will be apparent in their daily provision both inside and outside.  All children will have experienced a curriculum that provides exciting and enriching learning experiences and opportunities for them to learn through educational visits and practical experiences. 

Our young learners will be able to appreciate and understand the world around them by experiencing and learning about different cultures, celebrations, music, dance and art. They will learn about historical figures, the world around them and their local community. Children will be inquisitive and actively ask questions about the world around them and their learning experiences. They will be able to take risks as this is an opportunity to learn.   

We aim to help children to make sense of the world around them, through our school Christian values of Love, respect, forgiveness, courage, perseverance and truthfulness and compassion with an understanding of their rights and the rights of others in an ever-changing world.
Our Early Years children will be successful learners and fully prepared for the next stage of their education as they transition from Early Years Foundation Stage into Key Stage One. They will have good phonic knowledge due to being taught using a systematic synthetic phonics program. Those children who need extra support for phonics will have had this provided so they can achieve to the best of their ability. Children will leave Reception with skills and knowledge appropriate to their individual abilities for reading and writing. They will be prepared for handwriting. They will have secure early maths knowledge having had lessons which progress effectively to the KS1 maths scheme.  

We know that by the end of Reception at St Paul’s CofE Primary School our children will have developed the foundations for future learning. They will be well equipped with a rich vocabulary and bank of strategies and skills to facilitate their learning journey through school. We believe the children at St Paul’s CofE Primary School will be happy, inquisitive and successful learners who have bright futures, and who will “flourish in body, mind and spirit and to experience, ‘life in all its fullness’ in a nurturing community, rooted in our Christian values. 

Click here to visit our EYFS - Reception Class page.

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