Year 3: News items
NEU Industrial Action Tuesday 2nd May, by Mr Wright
Freddy Fit, by Mr Wright
Happy Easter, by Mr Wright
Easter Service, by Mrs Crompton
Industrial Acton by NEU 15th and 16th March 2023, by Mr Wright
Reading Week at St Paul's CE Primary, by Mr Wright
Industrial Action on 28th February 2023, by Mr Wright
Welcome Back, Freddy Fit on Friday, by Mrs Crompton
School to reopen fully on Thursday 5th January, by Mr Wright
Unavoidable Closure of School Wednesday 4th January, by Mr Wright
Wishing you all a peaceful and merry Christmas, by Mr Wright
Carol Service at St Paul's Church, Friday 16th December 9.30am., by Mrs Crompton
School Christmas Fair Friday 2nd December 6.00-7.30pm, by Mr Wright
Parents Evening, by Mr Wright
Freddy Fit Friday 30th September, by Mr Wright
Welcome Back!, by Mrs Crompton
Wishing you a safe and happy Summer!, by Mr Wright
Sport, Health and Fitness Week, by Mrs Crompton
Enjoy the Celebrations!, by Mrs Crompton
Our Year 6, by Mrs Crompton
Enjoy the Easter Break, by Mrs Crompton
Reading Week and World Book Day, by Mr Wright
May we wish you a very Happy Half Term, by Mr Wright