A letter to Year 6

Check out the email that we received from Paul Semple and his team at Tameside Youth Services, who organised our visits to Lyme Park. It is lovely for our Year 6 children to receive such praise! We are very proud of them.

Dear Mrs Robinson,

I am delighted that the year six young people enjoyed the day and hopefully the trip lived up to expectations.

Thank you for allowing us to come into your school and work with such amazing young people, staff and yourself. Please pass on my thanks to everyone who came along and helped.

Dear Year 6, 

I would like to thank you all for kindly welcoming us into your lovely school and for allowing us to develop our new project at Lyme Park.

Thank you for taking the time to come along and warmly support our new activity, Your enthusiasm and willingness to embrace these challenges was a testament to each and every one of you. Your feedback will prove invaluable and will help us further improve our activities.

May I compliment you all on your excellent behaviour, manners and commitment to help others. You are all a real credit to your school.

Finally I would like to wish you all the very best in your new Schools, approach them with the same determination and teamwork that you approached Lyme Park especially Lantern hill and you will achieve great things. 

Best wishes.

Paul and team

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